Page 24 - ABSTRACT_SRD_2021
P. 24

Science, Marine and Environment

                                                   FOREST, TERENGGANU

                                      Wan Suhailah Ainaa Wan Idris , Nur Juliani Shafie
                        Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030
                                              Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.
                                        *Corresponding author:

                     Non-volant small mammals are the non-flying mammals that weigh less than 5 kg. The
                     non-volant small mammals act as prey, seed disperser and also considered as pests.
                     Sekayu Recreational Forest which is a dipterocarp forest is suitable for the non-volant
           STUDENT RESEARCH DAY 2021   small mammals in Sekayu Recreational Forest. A total of 100 cage traps have been   STUDENT RESEARCH DAY 2021
                     small mammals  to inhabit since it can provide  them with  shelter, food and also as
                     breeding ground. This study focuses on species abundance and diversity of non-volant

                     placed randomly in open forest, surrounding the chalet and also along the river in order
                     to capture the species of non-volant small mammals. The species abundance of non-
                     volant small mammals was recorded and diversity of non-volant small mammals was
                     calculated by using  PAST Software. Fourty five individuals were recorded  from  two
                     different orders (Rodentia and Scandentia) and from three families (Muridae, Sciuridae
                     and Tupaiidae) which comprised of eight species (Maxoys rajah, Maxomys whiteheadi,
                     Rattus  rattus, Rattus tiomanicus, Sundamys muelleri, Callosciurus notatus,
                     Sundasciurus tenuis and Tupaia glis). Family Muridae and family Tupaiidae were the
                     most abundant species in this area. The study shows that Sekayu Recreational Forest
                     has high species diversity (Simpson index: 0.6923, Shannon index: 1.5070, Margalef
                     index: 1.8390, Menhinick index: 1.1930, Evenness: 0.5639, Equitability: 0.7245). It is
                     recommended  to conduct further studies in Sekayu Recreational Forest by using
                     different types of baits and extend the sampling period in order to get more species of
                     non-volant small mammals.

                     Keyword:  Dipterocarp, diversity,  non-volant small mammals,  Sekayu Recreational
                     Forest, species abundance.

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